
Affordable housing:  Intended to serve households who earn ≤120% MFI, priced to cap spending on housing at 30% of household income and restricted to households that meet size and income requirements.

Deed-restricted housing: A deed restriction is a legal document filed in the County’s official property records, placing restrictions on the use or sale of a property. A common deed restriction used in Teton County sets limitations on appreciation of affordable/workforce housing for the purpose of keeping the housing affordable in future sales.
Workforce housing: Intended to serve households who earn >120% MFI but cannot afford market homes. Restricted to those who earn 75%+ of total household income from a local business; unrestricted in household size and assets.

Protected housing: A housing unit with a deed restriction, ground lease, regulatory restriction, or other mechanism permanently protecting it as affordable and/or workforce housing.

  • AMI: Area Median Income, the midpoint of a region’s earned income distribution.

  • MFI: Median Family Income, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development’s term for AMI (based on a 4-person household). 

Housing Stock Terms

Vacant: A vacant unit is a residential unit not occupied as a households’ primary residence. Vacant units include second homes and residential units being solely short-term rented. Vacant units also include units that are for sale/rent but not occupied, although housing needs assessments find this type of vacancy to be effectively zero.

Occupied Non-Workforce: An occupied non-workforce unit is a residential unit occupied by a household that does not participate in the workforce; for example a retired household.

Market Ownership Workforce: A market ownership workforce unit is a residential unit without any type of protection to ensure affordability or occupancy that is currently occupied by its owner - who is a member of the workforce.

Market Rental Workforce: A market rental workforce unit is a residential unit without any type of protection to ensure affordability or occupancy that is currently occupied by a renter who is a member of the workforce.

Protected Rental: A protected rental unit is a residential unit with some type of protection to ensure affordability and/or occupancy by the workforce, which is currently occupied by a renter.

Protected Ownership: A protected ownership unit is a residential unit with some type of protection to ensure affordability and/or occupancy by the workforce, which is currently occupied its owner.

Commuter Terms

In-Commuters: Workers who earn a wage in Teton County, WY but live outside of Teton County, WY. The number of in-commuters is calculated from records of Teton County, WY jobs and records of employed Teton County, WY residents, accounting for multiple jobs per employee.

Seasonal Resident Wage Earners: In a given month, the employed persons living in Teton County, WY, and earning wages from a business filing unemployment insurance in Teton County, WY above the year-round number of resident wage earners.

Out-Commuters: Teton County, WY residents who earn wages from a business filing unemployment insurance outside of Teton County, WY.

Resident Proprietors: Teton County, WY residents who work for themselves and therefore do not file unemployment insurance, but do work for a Teton County, WY business (themselves).

Year-round Resident Wage Earners: Teton County, WY residents who earn wages from a business filing unemployment insurance in Teton County, WY.

Emergency Housing Terms

Unhoused: Complete lack of dwelling place or shelter.

Housing Insecure: Lacking stable or adequate living arrangements, especially because one lives in unsafe or inadequate conditions or is at risk of eviction.