Built by community for community

Empowering community with the real-time information needed to guide efforts that create positive change.

A diverse set of interconnected elements are essential for community members to live fulfilling lives. Together they add up to community wellbeing.

For community

The Community Wellbeing Framework identifies and monitors core elements of wellbeing to inform decision making and track progress over time. 

The Teton Community Wellbeing Framework includes eight Focus Area Dashboards. Community-led collaboratives identify metrics for each focus area that provide windows into our collective wellbeing.

Active focus areas include: Education, Sustainable Ecosystems, Community Connectedness, Health, Housing, and Economic Security. Peace & Justice and Food Security are to be developed soon.

  • Under Construction, anticipated launch date in Fall 2024. In and out-of-school learning. Built in collaboration with Systems of Education, an initiative in partnership with the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole.

  • Under Construction. Climate and Emissions Dashboards built in partnership with the Teton Climate Action Partnership.

  • Coming soon. Anticipated launch in 2025.

  • Under Construction. Equity Dashboard built in partnership with the Town of Jackson.

  • Anticipated launch date in Summer 2024. Physical and behavioral health. Built in partnership with the Teton Behavioral Health Alliance, an initiative of the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole.

  • Housing opportunities, needs, and funding.

    Built in partnership with the Housing Solutions Collective, an initiative of the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole.

  • Coming soon. Anticipated launch in 2025.

  • Under Construction. Transportation Dashboard built in partnership with the Town of Jackson and Teton County, WY.

    Will include Income & Poverty, Employment, and Tourism

By community

The Teton Community Wellbeing Dashboard is developed and maintained by the community. Focus areas are developed in partnership with community members doing the work in each sector.  As a highly collaborative effort, the Community Wellbeing Dashboard helps build relationships and trust across sectors, growing local and regional capacity to tackle bigger and more complex issues.

To navigate the dashboard, hover or click on Data Focus Areas in the top menu bar and select one of the eight focus areas.


Teton County, WY Community Profile

Communities include: Alta, Jackson, Kelly, Moose, Moran, Teton Village, Wilson.

Beta Version Feedback

You are viewing a beta version of the Teton Community Wellbeing Dashboard. Many focus areas are currently under construction and others will be developed in the near future. Regardless of where they are in their development, each of the focus area dashboards are engaging in cycles of continuous improvement.  

You are our community. Help us make this better! Each user brings a unique perspective to the dashboard. We value your participation  and invite you to provide feedback on your user experience.