Sustainable Ecosystems

Under construction.

Climate and Emissions Dashboards built in partnership with the Teton Climate Action Partnership.

Sustainable Ecosystems


Climate Dashboard

The below charts illustrate how the climate has changed since 1950 and is projected to change by 2100. Use the toggles to look at the past or projected climate change under different climate action scenarios throughout the region. The data is from the Greater Yellowstone Climate Assessment.

Emissions Dashboard

The below charts illustrate emission trends by sector. Use the toggle functions to explore how climate action might impact emissions in a particular and overall. The baseline for this model is the Jackson/Teton County Comprehensive Plan Indicator Report.

Funding for Emissions and Climate dashboard construction provided by the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole.

Beta Version Feedback

You are viewing a beta version of the Teton Community Wellbeing Dashboard. Many focus areas are currently under construction and others will be developed in the near future. Regardless of where they are in their development, each of the focus area dashboards are engaging in cycles of continuous improvement.  

You are our community. Help us make this better! Each user brings a unique perspective to the dashboard. We value your participation  and invite you to provide feedback on your user experience.